miércoles, 28 de enero de 2009

La Fonda Rosa Cooking Workshops

Junio- Julio - Agosto.... 2009

Workshop I
The Colorfull Mexican Cousine
Tuesdays from 9 -3pm
One Class every week or a single class
Price $75 us tour+ ingredients + lesson + dinner + cocktails
Price $50us ingredients + lesson

This single lesson is created specifically to persons from other cultures to experience for the first time, the Mexican traditions at the home tables. Includes a tour, cooking session and dinner.
For more info request it at: fondalarosa@hotmail.com

Workshop II
Home Traditional Mexican Cousine
Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday from 3 - 6pm
Three sessions every week
Price: One session $35, two sessions $65, three sessions $90us in the same week

Directed to any person interested in learning the traditional mexican cousine step by step in all its variety, instructed by a mexican native from Mexico City.

Workshop III
Directed to: Trainning for domestic personeel, kitchen staff or any person interested
Time: 21 hours, 3 hour sessions
Price: $230 usd
Place: in your kitchen or my kitchen!

Program / Programa
I-Uso y combinación de los chiles y especias
I-Use and combinations of all chiles and spices
II-Maíz y Frijol, las semillas básicas de la Cocina de México. Uso y preparación
II-Corn and Beans.- The Basic seeds in the Cooking of Mexico. Use and preparation.
III-Preparación de todo tipo de salsas para guisos y para la mesa. Guacamoles
III-Preparation all kind of salsas to cook dishes or set table. Guacamoles.
IV-Preparacíón de variadas recetas vegetarianas y de carne
IV-Preparation of variety of vegetarian or meat recepies.
V-Preparación de postres tradicionales
V-Preparation of traditional desserts.
VI-Preparación de bebidas refrescantes y coctéles típicos
VI-Preparation of fresh beberages and tipical cocktails.

Inscripciones al / Inscriptions @ :
Chef Gabby Green ...044. 415. 1192195 or 150.7387
Ask for Info en ...

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